Thank you.
I'm going to direct the next question to Mr. Wilson, but it also dovetails with something Mr. Gooch raised, which is climate and climate impacts.
I salute you guys for the work you are doing in Vancouver and the efforts to make sure it's the most sustainable port in the world, as well as your efforts with inclusion of indigenous peoples on the land. That's all very commendable.
Can you talk to us a bit about the impacts? You talked about roads being washed out, etc. We know about the intense flooding that happened in B.C. I feel like within the last year, time is blurring it a little bit. Can you talk to us about climate impacts on the supply chain and how we can work as a government to alleviate them?
We're trying to make investments. We obviously have a price on pollution. These are significant gestures we're making towards addressing the impacts of climate change, but are there other targeted approaches you think would be necessary to help address the supply chain issues?
It's over to you, Mr. Wilson.