Thank you for your question.
With regard to the anticipated demands on our infrastructure, one comment we've made repeatedly to the government is that there needs to be a determination and a systematic assessment of infrastructure across Canada.
Many of our port authorities, as Mr. Gooch has alluded to, have benefited from NTC funds, in the order of almost $1 billion. Many of these projects have actually addressed many of the infrastructure gaps, but to my point about a systematic assessment, I think that would identify not just the port requirements but also the requirements along the entire supply chain. Also, with that first systematic assessment, that could be folded into the transportation strategy that the supply chain task force alluded to.
I can also speak with regard to digitalization and the comment Mr. Gooch made with regard to the physical infrastructure. Specifically, there is an ongoing concern around deferred maintenance. Many of the port authorities have not had the funds to continue the maintenance of their ports; we've seen some instances of wharves deteriorating due to climate change, and they don't have the funds right now to improve their current infrastructure.
Then, on an ongoing basis, with the digitalization, we still need to determine specifically what the costs would be and what the technology would be. I do understand that Infrastructure Canada has conducted an infrastructure assessment, and that may also provide some information in terms of some of the gaps. We also are looking at potentially conducting our own infrastructure assessment moving forward, just to consider some of the recommendations put forward by the task force.