Very quickly, this is always the concern. You heard in my remarks that the IRA isn't intended to be a “let's help Canada” piece of legislation to make sure Canada builds out its auto industry. This is about U.S. public funds going to support U.S. workers and U.S. industry. We have been on guard for the past five or six years, I'd say, and every move they make we have to watch extremely carefully. Yes, they want to attract as much of this value-added aspect into the U.S. market as they can, and we will have to respond.
I'll tell you that even beyond what's contemplated in this act, in other pieces of the auto supply chain, including new next-generation powertrain components like electric motors and things of that nature, right now Canada is still lacking in any investments. If we are going to be a player and we're going to have places for displaced auto workers to land so they can continue employing their skills to grow this sector, we'll have to think long and hard about how we're going to attract that among so many other pieces.