I am pleased to say that, as of today, the standards of the Canadian ministry industry are among the highest in the world and that the industry is appreciated in the countries where it operates. I speak from experience in at least 15 countries.
Of course, there are issues, but it's important to distinguish between the exploration and extraction sides. They are almost two separate industries. Generally, extraction touches on all the activities I listed earlier. You're generally going to generate net cash flow.
The Canadian mining industry consists of over 1,500 junior companies, working around the world. These junior companies are companies that are not involved in production, but in exploration. The junior companies are trying to do a good job overseas, but what happens when the money is unfortunately no longer available? We live in a time when everyone is able to fund their activities easily, but, when funding is no longer available, the result is what happened to Canadian companies: they are not necessarily able to finish their activities diligently.
The environmental and social damage is obviously minimal. Aside from a few drill holes, exploration does not really result in significant environmental damage. For—