If I can just build on the second comment, which I just want to follow up on, Mr. Lampron, you talked about how the legislation would lead to greater stability and predictability. I fear that, if we legislate this, if we codify it, it may lead to the opposite result.
For example, building on what my colleague said in the last meeting, look at dairy production in Canada. We went from 75 million hectolitres in 2000 to 94 million hectolitres in 2021. Today I just pulled off the exports of dairy products by country of destination and, to the United States, the value of our dairy exports went from $189 million in 2019 to $241 million. It went up by $52 million.
I would imagine that those exports were negotiated—weren't they? That market access was gained through a trade negotiation—wasn't it? If we codify through Bill C-282, what would stop the Americans from renegotiating our trade agreement and saying, “Forget it. Trade dairy exports into Canada are not permitted”.
Do you not feel that's a risk to the sector, a risk we want to try to avoid?