Thank you to all the witnesses for being here today.
I want to start with Ms. Noble.
You reiterated that all parties support supply management. Supply management has survived our recent trade agreements, but as Mr. Carroll said, countries like New Zealand and Denmark have gotten rid of their supply management for some reason. I am not sure how that's affecting them.
You came up with a significant concern that when you're taking something off the table, there may be consequences for future agreements. I know that your organization did send a letter to Minister Ng explaining some of these concerns about a precedent, concerns that perhaps other sectors will want similar exclusions from the negotiations and that prioritizing one sector over the other could have serious long-term effects.
It does seem to be divisive. We have Mr. Currie, as part of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, who has said that they're taking a strong stance to support this bill.
First of all, did you get a response from Minister Ng to your letter dated February 16, 2023?