Here's my concern. Earlier on, it was the Canadian Canola Growers Association that talked about how predictability and stability would be lost if Bill C-282 was implemented. However, we are hearing the supply-managed sectors talk about predictability and stability being gained by having this legislation. How do we reconcile those two competing parts?
Here at committee, we have had eight organizations come forward. We've had Pulse Canada, the Grain Growers of Canada, the National Cattle Feeders’ Association, the Canadian Cattle Association and the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance. Today, three organizations—the Canadian Canola Growers Association, the International Cheese Council of Canada and the Canola Council of Canada—have brought forward their concerns.
I'm asking, from your standpoint, whether you believe that it would benefit this committee to hear more testimony from organizations on both sides, as well as trade experts, to advise this committee on the proper steps we should be taking to ensure that any legislation we have is the best piece of legislation we can implement.