Germany is not interested in acquiring nuclear technologies, but in terms of the regulatory discussions, those are being driven by the CNSC in those international arenas, particularly at the IAEA, another collaboration that it's undertaking. As I said, it's going very well. They're doing very good work. It's just making sure that this is a component of the effort.
In terms of Germany itself, their decision not to continue with nuclear operations has, quite frankly, led to a significant increase in emissions, an increased dependency on coal, and to some extent dieselization in terms of energy security, which is of course impacting Europe. That's really a European question and it's really a German question, but you are seeing within the European Union this debate emerging in countries such as France, or in eastern Europe Romania, which is looking at refurbishing and building new CANDU reactors. It's causing an internal debate in terms of how they increase their energy security and meet climate goals when a core economy like Germany has gone the other way. That's a real issue.