The tax regime in every country is different. I can assure you that in the countries where we work, we definitely pay taxes.
What often happens in the mining industry is that the decision to invest is made at a point where the risk related to the investment is very high. Agreements are reached about what the level of taxation will be for the operation. The operation then becomes an electoral issue, in that the opposition may complain that the government in power is not extracting the right amount of taxation from the company, or the government looks at the risk analysis, which is quite different after the mine has already been built and is producing from how it was before the mine was built, when the risk was much higher. Alternatively, quite simply, the local authorities decide that more tax should be coming, maybe because the price of the mineral has changed.
Dispute settlement around these taxation issues is often related to what commitments were made and whether the commitments are being upheld.