That's very sage advice. Thank you for that.
I've had opportunities to travel to that area. They are very concerned about climate change, about rain. There are a lot of coastal areas where they're very concerned about how that is affecting their country. I noted that when you were talking about monsoon season and such. A lot of coastal towns that are ports as well have challenges with the rising tides and water.
Madam Chair, my next question is to the cattle people.
Jack, I'm also co-chair of the Canada-Japan Interparliamentary Group. Yes, they love our beef. They love our canola. They love our pork. If you go to a store in Tokyo, you see it everywhere.
Anju asked a question about the CPTPP agreement. I recall that being one of the original signatories and doing it expeditiously allowed for two tariff lifts and really helped the cattlemen at that particular time.
Could you explain to the committee again how that benefited your members?