Absolutely. As my colleague, Chris Davison, said, we're always hopeful of avoiding it ever getting to a dispute resolution, a formal process. It's time-consuming, and it often leads to a deterioration in bilateral or multilateral relationships.
That being said, the threat of it is an important part of a negotiation, and, as we observed with CETA, there's certainly a lot to comment on there from an agricultural perspective. One of the issues we still have with CETA is that a number of EU states have not ratified the agreement. CETA is very politicized, so there are discussions with a number of other trade deals to be dealt with without the politicians involved. Everything is sort of politicized with the European Commission, so that certainly is a concern.
Our particular concerns are around the adjudication around biotechnology and crop protection products, where the European Union just takes a different view of science from the rest of the agricultural trading world, for example, Canada and the United States.
We look to the CPTPP. It probably has the most robust provisions for adjudication, such as science-based equivalency. It also spells out the path to resolve issues. My colleague, Mark Walker, indicated earlier that sometimes it's not about signing the trade agreement, it's about making sure our trading partners follow through on the spirit of the agreements they've signed. Having trade dispute resolution mechanisms that have teeth and a real threat of using them are very important to avoid ever using them.