I'll add one or two things to Dave's comments about the WTO and others.
I think there are things that can be done in our own monitoring and tracking once we have agreements in place, and we all have a role to play in that. Industry works very closely with government in that, but I think there are opportunities to potentially formalize and institutionalize that a bit more. That would be one thing.
The other thing I would say is that the nature of some of the NTBs that we face tends to be fairly technical, so there's usually a significant investment up front in terms of time and working with both stakeholders and government here, domestically, as well as internationally—wherever we may experience these particular issues.
There are mechanisms in place through various trade agreements we have. I referenced the example of a recent technical consultation with Mexico. We want to avail ourselves of all those avenues before contemplating escalating something to a higher level. That's not something we take lightly. All the sectors represented here have invested much time and effort in building up relationships in the export markets that we are shipping to. Therefore, as a matter of course, our first stop is to work with entities and stakeholders domestically and in those markets to seek out a resolution.
Where that can get more challenging sometimes is if you have measures that are adopted without prior notification. That leaves little time for industry to either adapt, if it's perceived as legitimate, or seek clarity in terms of what the intended measure is about and what compliance may look like.
Anything we can do to alleviate that up front would be seen as beneficial.
Thank you.