I would say that the NTBs that exist in Europe, especially on MRLs, could exist elsewhere. I would say the European Union is the prominent country. They usually start, and after that what they do there could be adopted by other countries, where they could use MRLs or approval of biotechs as a way of keeping trade outside of their borders. This is why CropLife Canada is promoting a strong text on biotechnology, as is the case with CPTPP and CUSMA, and even working to expand that text by being more creative to try to address the issues that are not here today but could happen in the future with new technology and innovation coming in. New text could also be developed to address issues like the MRL one.
When we're talking about countries like Indonesia or India, I'm not saying we have issues right now, but we've seen in the past these countries adopting measures that were not based on science. We believe it's the role and the obligation of Canada to defend in those agreements by reinforcing text and to make sure that every single measure they adopt is based on science and does not become an unjustified barrier to trade.