Thank you, Madam Chair and members of the committee.
For 50 years, the Canada West Foundation has been the public policy research, dissemination, education and advocacy organization for the four western provinces. Our mission has been and remains the creation of a strong west in a strong Canada.
As part of that mission, and given the economic portfolio of Canada and especially the western provinces, a lot of our work touches on areas of investigation and responsibility for this committee.
Today I am going to draw lessons from one example of such work. We've undertaken a two-volume study of the impact of non-tariff barriers with China and how to resolve those issues. My colleague Sharon Sun, our trade economist, did the quantitative work and the analysis along with me on this study. She's here to answer in-depth questions on those two points.
You have one of the appendices, I believe, from the study, which was given in advance.
Before I get into the lessons of the study, I will mention that we listened to the 15 hours of testimony you've had, and we have tailored our remarks to fill in some gaps in things that others touched upon but did not necessarily go into in depth.
Very quickly, there are two other items we are working on that will come to this committee's attention. One is the Indo-Pacific strategy. We are working with the western provinces to develop a western response to the strategy. We've convened or helped to facilitate a meeting of prairie trade ministers, and that work is continuing.
On the ability to move goods to market, two-thirds of our nation's income comes from moving goods in and out of the country, yet we have dropped from being in the top 10 in global infrastructure rankings to being 32nd, one place above Azerbaijan. There is a national coalition—the Canada West Foundation has done the research—that has a solution to this problem. That solution is supported by the Business Council of Canada, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Construction Association and the premiers. The call for this solution, a national plan for trade infrastructure, will be on the agenda of this summer's meeting of the Council of the Federation, so I'll flag that for you as something that is coming that may be of interest to the committee.
On the study at hand, after listening to the other testimony, we have two points from our research and three recommendations for the study—not for the government but for the study.
Point number one is that, if you look at what the Americans have done with the U.S.-China phase one trade agreement, there is something completely new and unprecedented on the table in terms of what the Americans are using to resolve or eliminate—in a way we just haven't seen before—non-tariff barrier issues that they face with China. The appendix we shared with you shows Canadian issues, the American equivalent and what the Americans have done to completely eliminate the issue. I'm not going to go into depth in the opening remarks, but we're happy to talk about that during questions.
The second point is that, where Canada has had success in dealing with non-tariff barriers, that has not necessarily been through legal texts and trade agreements. Those are necessary but not in and of themselves sufficient to managing non-tariff barrier issues. If you take our experience with the United States, as good as our negotiators are—as clairvoyant as they are—they are not as creative as the forces in the U.S. are at seeking to exploit rules to create non-tariff barriers.
We maintain an active political presence in the U.S.—not just the Prime Minister, not just each premier making five or six trips to the U.S. and not just MLAs spending summers with their counterparts in state legislatures at the U.S. Council of State Governments. Our good friend at Economic Development Lethbridge was just telling me about his trip to the Montana economic developers meeting, at which they were looking at him and saying, “What are you doing down here?” His response was, “I'm doing my job, which is keeping an eye on your guys.” Who's going to be an ally in the future? Who's going to cause problems for us? In the U.S., we've invested an inordinate amount of time, resources and money on non-tariff barrier issue prevention and mitigation.
The other approach we've taken is the development angle. In China, from 1983 to 2003, the Canadian International Development Agency invested $117,765,792 in agricultural development projects. Yes, this reduced poverty and led to increased production in China, but it also brought Chinese officials to the Prairies and New Brunswick, where they met Canadians and lauded their practice. They saw, first-hand, our phytosanitary measures. We trained cadres and generations of officials in China. When China wrote their fertilizer regulations, they didn't ask the Americans or the Europeans. They asked us to sit at the table to help them write their regulations.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you want to prevent non-tariff barrier issues, you can't do much better than helping to write the regulations in that country, or having officials in that country trained in Canada. However, after 2003, we dropped that and lost this capacity. I think it certainly would have helped during the canola issue—having those ties.
I'll conclude with my three recommendations.
With the Indo-Pacific strategy, there is a proposal for the creation of an agricultural office. That office must focus on surviving market access—not gaining more market access but surviving the access we have. We have market access in the U.S. for beef. We had it in China for canola. We need to invest the resources to make sure we can survive. That means bringing officials to Canada and playing the long game for non-tariff barrier issue resolution—not solving it like Whac-a-Mole for each issue but investing in long-term capacity to pull the plug on the Whac-a-Mole machine, if I can use that analogy.
The other issue is looking at the experience of other countries. We did that with Australia and Brazil.
Finally, think about the U.S. example. It may not apply to us, but that doesn't mean we can't consider it. Think about what we can use in there and how it's changed the game.