From my part, I can certainly check to see if there's any follow-up, and if there are any communications that resulted from those meetings.
Part of my job—and my Canadian counterparts, as members of Parliament, as you know—is much like journalism. It's reaching frequency.
Oftentimes, it's very difficult to change policy that's currently in place, so you have to find ways to bring those issues to light. There are many ways of doing that. I tried to do it within the context of the legislative branch and my work as a member of the House ways and means committee, but also in my interactions among the trade representative, the Secretary of State and the respective ambassador.
I would characterize this as an ongoing discussion. When the tax was put in place, there was an interpretation. Did the tax reflect the Parliament's intent? Has that evolved? That is when it became more concerning for me and my constituents, who are lots of those cottage owners in Canada.