As I mentioned, historical tax credits and affordable housing tax credits are used to provide market-based incentives for developers to undertake those kinds of projects that would make housing available for people of modest means.
The nature of developers, as you know, is to speculate about not the current value of property but the future value of property. I think that creates problems in the United States. It obviously creates problems in Canada as well. I think that was the origin of the vacant and underutilized tax that was approved in 2021.
When I look at my community of Buffalo, the fastest-growing neighbourhood in western New York is downtown Buffalo. Why is that? With the use of historical tax credits, we have a lot of historical buildings that were built 130 years ago, but they were vacant for a long time with the changing economy. The tax credit was put in place to provide, in some cases, a 30% to 40% incentive for a developer to undertake a project.
For example, if there was a $10-million project in downtown Buffalo that a developer would have to take on, its historical nature made it a very expensive project to convert, if you will, from office space to residential space. If it's a $10-million project and you can save $3 million because of a historical tax credit, then a $10-million project becomes a $7-million project.
The justification for providing that tax credit is that the project would not have been undertaken because it was cost-prohibitive without the tax credit. It's a good investment that not only works for the developer but also works for the people who will eventually live there.