Of course, yes. The tax problem is one problem that I mentioned. The other major issue, of course, is regulation.
Something like 70% or 80% of residential land in Canada is zoned for single-family homes. Anywhere near Toronto, probably increasingly Ottawa, Montreal, obviously Vancouver, Victoria—many of our urban centres—a single-family home is just a luxury that's not affordable to 90% to 95% of the income distribution. To buy a $2-million house, you need to be earning well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, and that's just not most of the income distribution.
I don't know why the federal government puts up with single-family zoning. You could defund or restrict federal funding to any municipalities or provinces that indulge in it. The market doesn't want it. Of course, you should be allowed to build a single-family home, but why you would forbid multi-family is crazy. That is probably the number one issue.