Thank you for the question.
When thinking about property taxation, two issues come up in terms of where you want to have high property taxes. You don't want to have property-linked taxation. You don't want to have taxation where people can run away from the tax.
In markets where homes just won't get built if taxes are too high but there will be lots of building when taxes are low, that's a place where you should have low property taxes. Of course, in Vancouver and Toronto, we know there are gigantic lines to build homes. The city can't keep up with the permitting and zoning restricts building, so higher property taxes don't really have an adverse effect.
If you're in some rural area, maybe near Niagara but not the desirable location on the water, homes are going to.... Nobody is in a great rush to build homes. A tax might deter construction. Therefore, urban areas where it's hard to build and, of course, where affordability is a problem, that's where you want to focus higher property taxes, offset by lower income taxes.
As for doing it globally, I don't know how much these cottages cost. If you're looking at a few thousand bucks a year, tops, for the overseas residence, that doesn't seem heartbreaking to me.