Thank you.
I found it interesting, when I was reading up on some of the efforts you've done, that you undertook an online survey with the residents who would contact your office and some of the notions about the long-standing relationships these residents have had. I believe it was over 160 people who responded, and nearly 30% of responders have owned their Canadian property for over 50 years, with close to 40% owning their Canadian home between 20 and 49 years.
Going back to that relationship that exists, people come and they don't come for just a finite vacation period, because we're so close. People can stay in Crystal Beach, for example, and then go to work in the morning in Buffalo and in western New York, so they have those long-standing ties.
I talked earlier about Cherry Hill golf course, which was established in 1922 by nine Americans. I talked about the one Roman Catholic church, St. George's, that celebrated its 100th anniversary and, in the summertime, the congregation swells because of our American visitors.
People don't understand, when the government tries to take an overarching policy with a broad brush, that sometimes they miss the intricacies and the carve-outs that need to be done. I wonder if you could comment on that.