Thank you, Chair. Thank you for having us.
Good afternoon, my name is Amanda Riddell. I am the director of the real property and financial institutions section of the sales tax and excise division of the tax policy branch at Finance Canada.
I'm here today to provide the committee with a brief overview of the federal underused housing tax, or UHT, which my section was tasked with developing by the government.
I'm joined by my Finance Canada colleague, Robert Ives, as well as my colleague from Global Affairs Canada, who can speak to any implications that the tax might have on Canada-U.S. relations.
The UHT is an annual 1% tax that applies on the value of generally non-resident, non-Canadian-owned residential property in Canada that is regarded as vacant or underused. The measure originated from a 2019 election platform commitment of the government.
In budget 2021, the government announced its intention to implement the UHT, effective beginning in the 2022 calendar year. Budget 2021 indicated that the tax is intended to do two things. First, it's to help ensure that foreign, non-resident owners of underused Canadian housing pay their fair share of Canadian tax, with the revenues helping to support the government's investments to make housing more affordable for Canadians. Second, it's to help ensure that housing in Canada is available for the use of Canadians.
Budget 2021 also announced that the government would be releasing a consultation paper to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to comment on the parameters of the proposed tax. Later that year, a detailed backgrounder on the proposed parameters for the UHT was released. It was on August 6, for a six-week consultation period. The consultation also requested views on whether special rules should be established in respect of residential properties located in smaller resort and tourism communities, and if so, what those rules should be.
There were 41 submissions received during the six-week consultation period. Twenty-five of those submissions were made by individuals, and 16 were made by organizations.
The legislation to enact the tax was tabled in December 2021 and received royal assent in June 2022.
The UHT applies on an annual calendar year basis to the person who is the legal owner of a “residential property” as defined in the act, on December 31 of that calendar year. Certain owners are excluded from the scope of the UHT, including Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada who own their residential property directly in their own right. All other owners are required to file an annual UHT return in respect of each residential property they own.
In this return, an owner may be eligible, however, to claim an exemption from the tax. For example, it can be based on the use of the property, such as where it is being rented out on a long-term basis, or based on the type of owner, such as when the owner is a corporation that is 90% or more Canadian-owned.
The inaugural UHT returns for the 2022 calendar year were due on April 30, 2023. However, the tax had received very little attention until earlier this year, when the CRA released the UHT form and UHT technical guidance. Once those materials were published, it became apparent that there was a general lack of awareness regarding the tax and some confusion about what types of properties were subject to the filing requirement.
On March 27, the CRA decided to waive penalties and interest—which is effectively like extending the filing deadline—for six months, until October 31, 2023.
As a federal tax, the UHT is intended to apply broadly and consistently across Canada. The one exception to this is for vacation homes in certain areas of the country. To qualify for the vacation property exemption, a residential property must meet both a location and a use requirement. The property must be in an area of Canada that is generally considered rural. More technically, the rules are that the property must be located in an area outside of a census metropolitan area or a census agglomeration having 30,000 or more residents, or it could be included in the rural parts of a CMA or census agglomeration having 30,000 or more residents.
The property must also be used by its owner or the owner's spouse or common-law partner for at least 28 days in the calendar year. These days do not need to be consecutive.
When administrative data from the 2022 tax filings becomes available, the department will have a much better sense of foreign ownership rates and property use by foreign owners, which will be of great benefit for future policy analysis.
We look forward to your questions.
Thank you.