That's fair enough.
We're talking a lot about Ontario cottages and the term “cottages”. For people south of northern Ontario, we call them camps, and that's a big distinction, a bit of a joke, but the camps in northern Ontario.... The prices of cottages or camps in Ontario are about $300,000 to $800,000, on average. Sure, we have $800,000 camps in northern Ontario, but a lot of them are around the $300,000 mark when you talk about northern Ontario. When you talk about Parry Sound, Muskoka, and then you start talking about Port Carling.... I went to a cornfest there once—and wow, there were Rolls-Royces pulling up. It's a very rich area.
There is this functioning thing...and this is before all of this. I've been involved in local politics for about 26 years—on the school board and then on city council—and it was about assessment. MPAC, along with the mil rate, sets the tax rate. When there is a bunch of activity where people are buying homes, it has the effect of raising taxes for Canadian ratepayers, and everyone.
How exactly do you guys determine the 1%? On what value is it determined? Is it through an assessment corporation like MPAC, or is it through another process to you?