I'm going to ask my questions, and then Mr. Kennedy, followed by Mr. Krips, can respond.
If I look at this, I see that we have administrative review one and then administrative review two, where we've requested a panel. Then we have the third administrative review, where we've requested a panel, and we're probably going to request a panel on the fourth administrative review. They will not allow these to be decided concurrently. They're going to be decided consecutively.
What I keep hearing from the government is that we always win and that once we win, they'll come to the table to resolve. However, the fact that these are now going to be staggered—and who knows how long.... If it's taken five years to get a panel on one, will it take five years to get a panel on the second administrative review?
Doesn't it make it crystal clear that the only way that this is going to be resolved with is a direct, government-to-government, negotiated solution?
I want your thoughts on that, and Mr. Krips's thoughts as well.