Thank you very much.
Obviously, I'd like high-value products to be excluded and recognized as something different. What they did back then—and I believe it was something that was put into the negotiated agreement at the very end—was put in a cap on the value. They said that after a certain amount, which I believe back then was $500, there wouldn't be any extra duty paid. That was the tax back then. It was on a sliding scale, but once you hit that amount, it was....
I assume what they tried to do there was take high-value product and make it somewhat similar to construction dimension lumber as far as the way it would get treated, so that there was an equitability across the board, whereas right now—as I pointed out and as you just picked up on—today, we pay the duty on the total value of that product going across the border. We're sending something across at $1,500 for 1,000 board feet, with a lot of costs associated with that. We're paying the duty based on $1,500, whereas someone else today is paying it based on $350.