Thank you, Chair.
Thank you, Minister, for being here, although I must say I'm extremely disappointed and, essentially, insulted that during your opening remarks, you chose to open up with criticism of me and my colleagues on this side, members of His Majesty's loyal opposition, for asking questions with regard to this trade agreement. Somehow, you said—and this was astounding—that we're somehow advancing Putin's agenda by asking questions with regard to a free trade agreement.
I want to bring some factual information forward. It must be remembered that it was a Conservative government in 1991 when Canada became the first western country to recognize Ukraine's independence from the Soviet Union, and it was a previous Conservative government led by Stephen Harper when Canada undertook Operation Unifier to bolster Canadian military training of the armed forces of Ukraine. It was the same Conservative government wherein the original CUFTA was negotiated between Canada and the Ukraine.
Minister, again, somehow your comments were not only extremely disappointing but also on the verge of insulting. You claim in your comments that somehow we're looking to delay second reading debate on this, yet your government failed to call it forward for almost two weeks. I see that Bill C-57 is not even on the House agenda for this week. Again, it is rather disappointing when you question us. The government controls its legislative agenda, not members of His Majesty's loyal opposition.
Minister, in the briefing note that was provided by staff, it says that Global Affairs Canada, in its March 2023 initial environmental assessment, concluded that modernization is “unlikely to result in significant negative environmental impacts.” However, within this agreement, on chapter 13, it talks about carbon pricing, a carbon tax, and measures to mitigate carbon leakage.
Are those types of provisions included in the CUSMA, CETA and CPTPP agreements that currently exist?