General messaging about the grain sector is a place where.... I don't want to get into naming specific companies, but there's a lot of historical investment, from Canada into Ukraine, in grain transportation and storage. Obviously, the Black Sea blockade by Russia has had a major impact on all of Ukraine's grain production.
The countries are very similar in terms of their agriculture industries. We've seen big interest in Ukraine when it comes to technology and equipment exports to Ukraine. Unfortunately, in the short term, Ukraine is now one of the top land mine countries in the world, and agricultural land is primarily affected. We've all seen some very brave Ukrainian farmers continue to try to plant, even though they know there could be land mines in their own fields.
In the short term, we need to help Ukraine become land mine free. There are already major Canadian and multinational agriculture companies in Ukraine with facilities that have been hit. These are looking to rebuild and expand, and to see the potential, again—as Mr. Waschuk said—in the next four to five years, in what could be a peaceful, demined agricultural sector.