Mr. Miao, before you speak, I just want to make sure that everybody is clear on what the motion says. It says:
That the committee recommend to the House that it be granted
—it being the committee—
the power during its consideration of Bill C-57, An Act to implement the 2023 Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine, to expand the scope of the study of the bill in order to support expanded munitions production in Canada and increasing munitions exports to Ukraine and support the development of weapons and munitions manufacturing capabilities in Ukraine by Canadian industry.
I just want to make sure that everybody is clear on what it says. It asks the House to grant the committee the power during its consideration to expand the scope.
It's a motion that would go to the House for adoption by the House, so the committee would then be able to expand the scope. I just want to make sure that everybody is clear on what it is going to accomplish.
Go ahead, Mr. Miao.