When we think about the meat supply chain, we think about it all the way down from the piglet to the fresh cut of meat that's on your plate. When there's an impact like this that gives some level of uncertainty at the end of the supply chain, the reverberations really go all the way back to that piglet stage. Are we going to need this many piglets to go onto the next stage of production? Are more or less of those sows that were gestating those piglets going to be required? Are we going to have to potentially have a cull at any point in the system, because, as I mentioned earlier, the system is very much set up for those products to get as quickly to market as possible.
If there's any backup in that chain, there's nowhere for the backup to go at any point in time. That's just a flavour of how, from the very beginning of the system all the way to the very end, it really has a significant impact.