In terms of how it affects collective bargaining, when we set these precedents of, okay, we support collective bargaining except when it doesn't work out the way we want it to, it really undermines workers' leverage.
The whole purpose of collective bargaining is to level the playing field. The Canadian labour relations system starts from the recognition that there's a structural power imbalance between employers and workers, and that you need a system of collective bargaining to level the playing field.
What things like return-to-work legislation, like strikebreakers, do is essentially put the thumb on the scale of the employer, and that undermines the overall system.
Like I said earlier, when I was replying to your Bloc colleague, sweeping the problem under the rug doesn't make the problem go away. The problems at the port, and the problems that we've seen in other strikes across the country this year, are problems that are affecting a wide swath of Canadians, with wages not keeping up with the cost of living, with housing costs, with automation and how those problems are going to affect people's jobs.
We need a system of collective bargaining where these issues can be brought out into the open and dealt with in a public forum in a way that can actually address workers' concerns, because just trying to make them go away doesn't actually resolve the problem and it just kicks the can down the road.