Thank you very much for your question.
First, as I said in my remarks, Canada's use of special legislation to force people back to work is quite exceptional. It is not normal, internationally, to see this kind of special legislation used as frequently as it is in Canada. This is troubling because it does not promote a healthy labour relations system. When you force people back to work, you are not solving the problem that led to the strike. You are simply postponing the problem.
What we've learned, looking at the history of the development of labour relations in Canada, is that the government's response in the 1930s and 1940s was to restrict the right to strike. That didn't work. It was only by trying to reform these laws on a number of occasions that the authorities realized that they should instead establish a process to resolve the problems that led to the strike, and not simply eliminate the possibility of going on strike.
As our labour relations system has developed, we have seen, during strike waves, that the government's response was to strengthen workers' rights, not to eliminate them. The government has learned that only by strengthening these rights can it create a labour relations system that can work well.