Thanks for the question on this.
Japan occupies a very special place in my heart. It was my first posting, and I have very fond memories. I can see a lot of change, as a matter of fact, in how the relationship has progressed over the years, which is quite exciting.
In terms of how you bring those opportunities in front of Canadians, I think Ms. Lavery was talking about the webinars. We do specific webinars on countries. We do them on specific sectors, as well, within those countries. We try to put our information out there as broadly as we can. Running the trade missions is a great way for folks to experiment and explore those areas.
Trade missions aren't the only events we run. I'm not going to get the number right, but we have several hundred trade commissioners in the Indo-Pacific area. They are all across the region. Every day, they are out there speaking to local businesses to understand their needs and interests. They feed those back into our offices across Canada. They use that in our databases to find Canadians who might be able to respond to those opportunities. We call them up and talk to them. We present the opportunity. We help them understand how we can de-risk it through partnerships and other supports, and by giving them the right contacts and putting those pieces together for them. We try to do that as much as possible.
Going back to the last question, which was about how we get to the very small businesses—93% of our clients are small and medium-sized businesses—we also use, at a very general level, search engine optimization and other tools like that. When you type “Canada” and “export”, you get the trade commissioner service and EDC. They come right up at the very top of the search. We try to make it as easy as possible for folks to find us.
We recognize that we need to keep going out into the regions. That is why we have offices all across the country to do that. They maintain the linkages and work with our partners in the provinces, territories and municipalities to try to make it not hard to find us.