Thank you, Chair.
Given where we are, our schedule and the “big bang” launch date of May 16, I am going to request that we ask the analysts to deliver a report based on what we've heard so far. By the time we get these documents, review them and everything else, the big bang will have happened. We will have done all of this but not have done anything.
I think, from what we heard today, we could prepare an interim report with recommendations we can get to the government right away, which might have an impact and help with all the issues every single stakeholder has raised.
I don't know if I need to make a motion. I will if I have to, or we could have this discussion. I would like to ask the analysts to prioritize this and have a report for when we get back, one based on the viva voce evidence we've heard so far and the submissions received to date. Then we can do recommendations and get the report to the government.