First and foremost, as I mentioned, there needs to be an education-first approach. I think there has to be an assumption that the small business that is importing—especially one that doesn't do it on a daily basis, for example, and maybe does it only three or four times a year—isn't necessarily going to know it exists.
Even if it's post the 180 days or the amount of time they want to give for a transition, there should be an education-first approach to say, “Actually, this is how you do it. This is what it looks like,” and then work them through the process, with no fines and no penalties. Something along those lines, I think, is really important.
Secondly, I think there need to be better tools available that are very much in plain language. The customs and importing processes are complex to begin with, and now you're adding a layer that they may never have seen before, which is going to make it even more so. While there have been some tools developed, they're not easy to find, and they're not always easy to understand, so plain language will be important.
We're trying to help where we can. We'll be doing a webinar very soon, for example, to explain what this is and what it looks like. We've already done one. Certainly, we'll continue to do that to try to spread the word, but it's very difficult to get small businesses that only do this occasionally to understand what this process looks like.
The best solution really, in the long run, is to make sure that it's an education-first approach.