As we talked about, it's difficult to navigate. Many customers cannot go and self-serve. Among those who have registered, typically what will happen is they respond to an email process we set up. It requires one-on-one hand-holding to get them registered, which is an incredible time investment. Walking them through that process is investment not only on behalf of the customer but also on behalf of the trade chain partner.
That's the biggest challenge for these small businesses. They're trying to run their business. Any small business owners in the room—or if you have friends or family who run a small business—are just trying to get through their day-to-day.... They're not customs experts. That's why I think there needs to be an opt-in model for those who want to see the benefits of CARM and serve themselves. However, those who want to continue to use their customs broker can use their time to run their business. That is what is required for the long term.