Thank you, Pat. I look forward to working with you.
The next issue that we need to deal with is the subcommittee on committee budgets, which as everyone is aware, is the small committee where we deal with liaison requests.
Is there a member prepared to move the motion for the creation of a subcommittee on committee budgets?
It is moved by Randeep. We don't need a seconder.
Just to make sure that everybody understands, when we create the subcommittee on committee budgets, the motion reads:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 107(6), a Subcommittee on Committee Budgets be established to approve committees' budget requests and that the membership of the subcommittee be composed of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the committee, as well as three other Government members, and one other member of the Official Opposition, as appointed by their respective whips.
Are there any questions or concerns?
(Motion agreed to)
Now we have some routine motions that we have to deal with.
Is there a member prepared to move the motion on working meals?