Regarding virtual reality, we want to develop a Web platform to offer a similar visit to what is currently offered in Centre Block, which makes it possible to go to various places and explore. We want to make this a virtual experience. It's what I call 2D.
We want to go even further and use virtual reality technology thanks to which you will be able, from home, to use a virtual reality headset and have an immersive experience visiting the Centre Block. It will even be possible to go a bit further and interact with certain spaces that interest you and to explore them a bit more.
The last part will be a virtual visit to Centre Block from a location in Ottawa that has yet to be determined. You will go into a room, and it will be as though you were entering the Centre Block. All of these elements are being developed.
As for the guides, they will not really be affected by these projects. The guides will offer visits in the new buildings we will be occupying after the move. We are currently working on determining which aspects of these new buildings will be highlighted during these visits.