Regardless, we're looking at 2015, and we're now looking at 2018. We're some three years into the process, and it doesn't appear that we've gone anywhere with it. You're saying we're about to meet with our British counterparts.
My colleague here says he'd like to rush it, and my colleague across says we should use a little caution, but we seem to be using a lot of caution in some of your wording here and there, Mr. Dufresne. It's almost as if we're not wanting to make decisions because there may be some complications or there may be....
My God, it's been four years to get this process going and we're nowhere. We're not much further ahead than when David spent the better part of a couple of weeks drafting this. It is complicated, I agree, but it sounds like some reports I was hearing in another committee where a whole bunch of departments weren't doing anything because they didn't want to step on anybody's toes, and nothing was getting done.
How long do you think it will take? I guess it's just as simple as that. How long do we keep putting it off? It's been four years now for something that's not that complicated, I don't think.
It's time for it.