No. Parliamentary returns are currently broken down into 19 categories. Electronic petitions and parliamentary returns are posted on the website. Unfortunately, that represents only about 11.5% of parliamentary returns tied to petitions. For written questions, if the answer is simple and similar to what's provided for the petitions, it is published in the Debates of the House of Commons. The answer is provided and it's posted. The answers to questions made orders for returns are the problematic ones. They represent about 75% of responses to written questions. Unfortunately, they are not made available.
The other thing to keep in mind is that some of those documents are already available on departmental websites. We tend to focus our energy on those that are not available and put those on our site. We don't want to duplicate efforts and add documents that are already available elsewhere, at least for right now. Perhaps we should think about having a centralized website for all documents tabled in the House. We aren't there yet, however. Suffice it to say, numerous documents are nevertheless available on the websites of federal organizations. The Privy Council, for instance, publishes order in council appointments. Treasury Board posts documents related to the estimates. People can find all kinds of documents on various federal sites. The Library of Parliament makes a lot of information available, as well.