Thank you very much for your question.
Right now, the way feedback is captured does not enable us to analyze it easily. There isn't really a more comprehensive follow-up. For instance, if you provide feedback, be it to tell us that you are very satisfied or to point out a problem, we communicate with you to determine what the nature of the problem is and to find solutions.
However, we do not necessarily carry out an analysis to check whether there are, across the feedback received, more difficulties concerning a specific publication or less satisfaction with regard to a particular element. The connections are not being made.
When I was talking about developing an institutional strategy in the coming year, it had to do with the implementation of ways to capture the information that would enable us to work in a more strategic manner, instead of limiting ourselves to our relationship with a single parliamentarian or a single member of staff. The approach will become more global.
We plan to create a library working group that would bring together employees from each service to consider what we currently have in place and to find ways to better capture and use feedback, while respecting confidentiality when circumstances require it. However, we still want to apply the principles.
That is one of my goals this year, and we will certainly come back to you in the coming months—I hope—to tell you about what we have implemented. We will have really spent some time on assessing where we are at now, and we will then be ready to move forward.