I believe there is such a vacuum of youth programming and support for indigenous youth. One of the groups we're working with is an indigenous group based out of Cape Breton, Unama'ki, in Nova Scotia. They struggle and are challenged to find any kind of funding to support them to be able to have the conversations they want to have.
That's definitely one of those things. The federal government needs to have a much stronger and better program directed towards indigenous youth so that they, themselves, can come together; they, themselves, can be their own leaders; and they, themselves, can identify the things they want to talk about.
I know that invariably they're going to want to talk about language and culture and being able to connect with elders and traditional knowledge keepers and land-based learning and things like that, but they're also very serious people. I think that if those kinds of resources are provided to indigenous youth, as well as safeguards within whatever legislation and whatever policies that are in the regulations attached to the legislation.... Safeguards are needed to protect the indigenous youth of these lands.