To the extent that there is evidence out there, it is older evidence in the report of the Council of Canadian Academies. The population appears to be quite split in terms of what their perspective was a few years ago.
What I think I can say is that over time, MAID as a general concept—ignoring whether they're mature minors or otherwise—has been much more broadly accepted, and the increasing acceptability of medial assistance in dying is part of what the public believes. I have not seen any recent polls in the past several years that have addressed what the population of Canada thinks about the potential of opening this up to medical assistance in dying for mature minors.
To the extent that I've seen information, it accepts that mature minors have a right to make health care decisions, including in situations that may result in their death. It may well flow that there is not a great deal of concern, providing that the safeguards are in place and other things are there that would provide assurance that these decisions are informed decisions.
Thank you.