Thank you so much, Madam Co-Chair.
I want to thank both of our witnesses for helping guide our committee through this study.
Ms. Provencher, I'd like to start with you.
You were talking about the advocacy work that your organization does. Our previous witness was talking about the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and how it applies, such as section 7, which says that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person, and also section 15, which says that everyone has the right to be equal under the law.
You know more than anyone around this committee table that a high degree of stigma exists in our society when we are talking about people who suffer from mental health conditions, as you like to say. Your organization is not taking a position one way or another. Maybe you can put your answer in the context of those charter rights, the case-by-case basis and how important it is to try to combat that stigma and to understand that people who are living with mental health conditions do have that agency and that capacity.
Is there anything more that you want to add to this conversation so that not only this committee understands the issue, but also the wider Canadian public that is listening to this?