I appreciate that, and thank you for that succinct answer to a pretty broad question.
It's important to note that in the final report it does say that the evolution of an individual's mental disorder cannot be predicted as it can for certain types of cancers, for example. I think that is certainly a challenge.
My next question is with respect to media reports. I'm not sure if you're familiar with this, but this summer there were CBC reports about a woman from Ottawa who had applied for MAID three times—two times before the passage of Bill C-7 and then one time since the eligibility was expanded. This individual was denied each time, but then was connected to a MAID assessor in Toronto, and she was approved for MAID.
Does it concern you that different MAID assessors are coming to different conclusions with respect to what conditions are acceptable for MAID and that kind of shopping around for an assessor who's going to give them the answer they're looking for instead of one that's based on the intent of the law?