On the funding and resourcing in general, I would say the social support funding is very important as a safeguard.
I also think the recommendations we made in relation to both pre- and post-evaluation of files would be very useful. That's an important safeguard. That's in place in some of the other jurisdictions that have gone ahead. This helps to ensure transparency and promote public trust. That's very important. This, of course, has to be resourced as well.
The resourcing has to be in place for assessors to do a good job of this and to have the time and space to do this job properly.
The reporting recommendations that we put into the report are also essential. There will be a tricky balance to strike in terms of the privacy of the people involved, the level of detail that's being gathered and how much of it is to be made accessible. I think it should be made accessible for transparency and public trust reasons, but redacted as much as possible to preserve the privacy of the people involved. That's essential.