Yes, I think I am. I want to step back to say that I think we shouldn't perhaps be comparing the cases of sole SUMC with cancer cases. We should perhaps be comparing the track two-type cases of physical disability with track two-type cases of sole underlying condition being a mental disorder. In both those cases, there are often uncertainties about whether a person will come to have suffering that's alleviated with the prognosis and so forth.
To me, the question would be, can we separate out the treatment of mental disorder and leave in place the physical disability cases on track two? That is one point to justify. The other thing I would say in response is, if we stay with the comparison of the cancer cases and the solely mental disorder cases, we already have cases where people with a mental disorder, as you point out, have a cancer and are seeking MAID. We have to assess capacity in that context, so one presumes that one can assess capacity across both types, and doctors have experience in assessing capacity in solely mental disorder cases as of other high-stake decisions of refusing—