If the question is addressed to me, Mr. Barrett, I'll try to respond.
I don't think this is a systemic disregard for the legislation. The legislation says that someone can only give informed consent to receive medical assistance in dying after they have been informed of the means that are available to relieve their suffering, including palliative care. That is the requirement. There's no specific requirement that says when that palliative care service should have been offered to the person.
MAID is not set up to address every perceived—or, for that matter, real—deficiency in health care service delivery in Canada. It could not possibly take on that role. Palliative care has been given an important and prominent place in the original MAID legislation and in the new legislation. People who come forward for MAID are a product of all of their circumstances, including the kinds of services that they have had.
The sense that we have—and this is concerning for a different reason—is that the majority of people who come forward for MAID have had very positive interactions with the health system, for the most part. They are more likely to have been able to take advantage of what the system provides. The people whose experiences with the health system are negative are not the ones, by and large, who are coming forward for MAID.