Absolutely. It's just one option; it's not a substitute for all the other palliative care options that exist.
In our experience working with individuals who are thinking about or requesting MAID, it is an informed choice and informed decision they're making. What our palliative care team does is talk to the individuals and families about what their choices are, why they are making this choice, what's driving it, what their fear is and what their concern is. They talk to them about all the options that might exist to address them. Then at the end of the day, if MAID is still something they wish to choose, they will support them in that.
In the process, MAID is one aspect of palliative care, but it has to be an informed choice and individuals need to understand that there are other options available to them. If after all that they still wish to proceed with MAID, then I think that's something we would support.