Yes, that's exactly right.
Again, I think a lot of people, me included, have a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings about what palliative care is. I think a lot of people assume that it's just this last-minute attempt to help people. It's something that really does a lot for a lot of people at various stages of life with various conditions.
There needs to be greater awareness of this as an option so that individuals know, especially those who are struggling with some of these decisions, that they have options available to them other than MAID. For those options to be realized, it's crucial that we have funding, infrastructure, training and public awareness so that this is emphasized and prioritized. Ultimately, all of us involved in the discussions on these issues have different approaches and different ideas, but we all share a commitment to wanting to help people who are suffering.
That's what everyone here wants to do. How do we best support individuals who are suffering? We need to ensure that we give them the support to live with dignity and that the option is available to them. I think that's where this emphasis on palliative care is especially important.