I agree 100%. I think it should be standard of practice, not legislated. It doesn't make sense to put in the legislation all the details that should be met. There are some details that are in the legislation currently that I wish were standard of practice. It would give more flexibility.
However, I think the standards of practice can be created. There will be advance directives or advance requests that will be written today. If they're written today, they will be refined over time. We will get better at it as we have experience.
As a clinician, I include things in my MAID assessments today that I did not include five and a half or six years ago, because I have learned over time. There are things I include in the waivers of final consent agreements that I write with patients now that I did not include when I first started out, because I've learned through experience. It's my own experience, in particular, but also my colleagues'.
A template for an advance request would evolve and improve over time.