Very quickly, most of those people don't want to be in long-term care. They are there because the home care system has ceilings on what it will fund. We had the tragic case in B.C. of Sean Tagert who just wanted to stay in his home for his remaining years with his son. He needed a few more hours of home care to do that and was told that it was not possible and that he needed to go into a long-term care home, where really he couldn't have a relationship with his son, so he chose to access MAID because of that.
I'm working in Nova Scotia right now where they just had a human rights judgment against the province ordering it to get, I think, it's 400 some people in Nova Scotia alone.
All of us would think that. If you're 30 years old and all of a sudden you're told you're going to live in a long-term care facility, what kind of life is that? What kind of prospect is that? What kind of autonomy is that? You have no significant life choices.
If you look at from Jean Truchon and multiple other people, Truchon said that the cause of his suffering was that he couldn't face the prospect of life in an institution. There is no reason from a care perspective that he couldn't have been supported at home other than the funding.