Sure. I'll make a couple of comments.
None of us have spoken to you today about getting rid of track one. Dr. Frazee mentioned the importance of the word “natural” and that stopping eating is not a natural death.
I think the flaw here is that track one is available to everybody at the end of their lives. Limiting MAID to track one does not discriminate against people with disabilities. They too, at the end of their lives, will have access to track one.
What discriminates against people with disabilities is saying, “The law of murder, the law against aiding suicide doesn't apply to you because your deaths are a benefit to you. When you die, that's a good thing.” We're saying you cannot say to people with disabilities that their deaths are a social good that their government should promote when their deaths are not reasonably foreseeable.
We agree that people with disabilities should have access to track one MAID as other Canadians do—I believe that—but not when they are not at the end of their lives. It's not the state's job to kill people with disabilities because they're suffering; it's the state's job to try, to the best extent possible, to alleviate that suffering in some way, or to mitigate it.